60 Million Americans Experienced Mental Illness in Past Year, Study Finds

Mental Health America (MHA) has released its annual report on the state of mental health in the U.S. MHA stated in its news release that the U.S. is in a mental health crisis. The group found that 23 percent of adults experienced a mental illness in the past year, nearly 60 million Americans. According to the report, in the last year, five percent of adults and 13 percent of youths reported experiencing severe thoughts of suicide. One in five youths had at least one major depressive episode (MDE), over which half of them did not receive treatment. Of those that received treatment, 65 percent stated that it helped. In the past year, 18 percent of adults had a substance use disorder (SUD), of which 77 percent did not receive treatment.

Read the full article: 60 Million Americans Experienced Mental Illness in Past Year, Study Finds //

Source: https://www.hcinnovationgroup.com/population-health-management/behavioral-health/news/55129421/60-million-americans-experienced-mental-illness-in-past-year-study-finds

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