CMS Increases Abilities to Fine Nursing Homes, Hikes Medicare Pay by 4.2%

Nursing homes will be getting a 4.2% Medicare Part A pay raise under the fiscal 2025 final pay rule issued Wednesday. Providers also will be facing a more aggressive fines system, with civil monetary penalties now applicable in more instances. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services waited until late Wednesday, the last day possible to release the rule after issuing the proposed relatively early at the end of March. It will add a cumulative $1.4 billion in funding for nursing homes. CMS also will be updating the SNF market basket base year from 2018 to 2022, which providers largely hailed when it was first proposed earlier this year.

Read the full article: CMS Increases Abilities to Fine Nursing Homes, Hikes Medicare Pay by 4.2% //


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