COVID-19 and the More Complex Value-Based Care Scenario

One of the most common phrases in U.S. healthcare in the past few years has been this one: “one foot in the boat, one on the shore,” or, alternatively, “one foot in the boat, one on the dock.” Either way, the idea is that the leaders of patient care organizations—hospitals, medical groups, and health systems—are having to adapt to a split-screen payment landscape, in which they will continue to receive a significant portion of their reimbursement in the form of discounted fee-for-service payment, even as they move ahead into value-based reimbursement, via such vehicles as accountable care organizations (ACOs), bundled payments, and other incentive-based forms of payment, with the federal government through the Medicare program, with state governments through Medicaid managed care programs, and with private health plans. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic creating massive shocks to the U.S. healthcare system, some of the forward march of value-based payment systems has slowed at least somewhat.

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