Event in Review: Private Equity Investment in Healthcare – Regulatory Issues / Diligence Overview

Investment in the healthcare industry requires careful consideration, as it involves numerous distinct areas of the law. Venable’s Private Equity Investment in Healthcare webinar series explores the unique issues and timely developments that shape deals within the industry. As part of this series, partner Chuck Morton recently moderated a conversation between partner Ari Markenson and associate Chris Conn on key issues and considerations related to investing in healthcare services. These seasoned attorneys shared their insights to help provide a framework for navigating the highly regulated healthcare deal landscape.

Read the full article: Event in Review: Private Equity Investment in Healthcare – Regulatory Issues / Diligence Overview //

Source: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=517db016-fbcc-4552-9cd5-8af5fdf26fa7

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