Gosy’s Former Pain Med Practice Has New Ownership, Name and Expanded Services

The pain medicine practice previously owned by Dr. Eugene Gosy is moving forward with a new business model and a name change. Gosy pleaded guilty to federal charges of healthcare fraud and conspiracy to distribute controlled substances on Jan. 7. Gosy & Associates Pain and Neurology Treatment Center shutdown briefly in 2016, then reopened with other physicians overseeing patients. The practice was later renamed Pain Management Associates Of WNY after it was acquired by Jeffrey Dann, a CPA with ownership interests in multiple healthcare companies. The practice has now rebranded as Integrative Pain & Wellness after a merger in late 2019 with Advanced Pain & Wellness Associates, a separate Western New York practice owned by Dr. Romanth Waghmarae, a pain-trained anesthesiologist in practice for 30 years. The third owner is chiropractor Dr. Antonino Harlino.

Read the full article: Gosy’s Former Pain Med Practice Has New Ownership, Name and Expanded Services //

Source: https://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/news/2020/01/22/gosys-former-pain-med-practice-has-new-ownership.html

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