Home Health and Hospice M&A Activity Rose in Q4: 2019

Deal volume in the home health and hospice sector rose slightly in the fourth quarter of 2019, up 5% with 21 publicly announced transactions, compared with 20 acquisitions in the third quarter, according to data from HealthCareMandA.com. Compared with the fourth quarter of 2018, home health and hospice M&A activity surged by 40%, versus only 15 acquisitions announced then. Only two transactions disclosed prices in the fourth quarter for a total of $93.1 million. In the third quarter, the total dollar value was $1.2 billion, based on six disclosed prices. Of the 21 deals announced, six targeted hospice-only organizations and four were for personal care services exclusively.

Read the full article: Home Health and Hospice M&A Activity Rose in Q4: 2019 //

Source: https://www.prweb.com/releases/home_health_and_hospice_m_a_activity_rose_in_q4_2019_according_to_acquisition_data_from_healthcaremanda_com/prweb16852541.htm

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