Home Health, Home Care M&A Activity Is Business as Usual — for Now

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, concern has started to bubble up to the surface over a potential disruption to in-home care M&A activity. For now, experts say it’s business as usual. But coronavirus could have some negative impact in the long-run. “[The impact on in-home care M&A activity] really depends on how long the coronavirus stays a threat in our country, because, in the short-term, I haven’t seen changes,” Mark Kulik, managing director of The Braff Group, told Home Health Care News. “Due diligence is still going on for the deals that I’m working on. We are still looking to achieve targeted closing deadlines.” For dealmaking to remain stable, banks and other financial entities will need to stay engaged and open for business. So far, that’s true, according to Kulik. “I’m hearing from buyers that a lot of banks are actually calling and using this time to position themselves as being available to continue to help buy businesses,” he said.

Read the full article: Home Health, Home Care M&A Activity Is Business as Usual — for Now //

Source: https://homehealthcarenews.com/2020/03/home-health-home-care-ma-activity-is-business-as-usual-for-now

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