HonorHealth Acquires 3 Steward Arizona Hospitals

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Christopher Lopez approved Scottsdale-based HonorHealth’s purchase of three Dallas-based Steward Health Care Arizona hospitals during an Oct. 3 hearing. The Steward Arizona inpatient facilities purchased by HonorHealth are Florence Hospital, Mesa-based Mountain Vista Medical Center, Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital, the Mesa Emergency Center and multiple outpatient physician practices. As of Oct. 3, the inpatient facilities have been renamed to HonorHealth Mountain Vista Medical Center, HonorHealth Tempe Medical Center, HonorHealth Florence Medical Center, and HonorHealth Emergency Center.

Read the full article: HonorHealth Acquires 3 Steward Arizona Hospitals //

Source: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-transactions-and-valuation/honorhealth-acquires-3-steward-arizona-hospitals-6-things-to-know.html

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