How Many Cardiologists Are Needed per Thousand Patients? Insights from a Report on Provider Density Trends

A recent report developed by LexisNexis Risk Solutions provides new insights on national and regional provider density trends for primary and specialty care. The analysis showed the top metropolitan areas with the highest and lowest percent change in PCPs between June 2022 and June 2023. The Vallejo-Fairfield, California, area had the highest increase, with a nearly 40% rise in PCPs. The provider density analysis also compared the number of heart disease patients per cardiologist in different metropolitan areas. Smaller areas had higher patient-to-cardiologist ratios, with rural communities having thousands of patients per cardiologist. Boston had the lowest ratio of 196 heart disease patients per cardiologist while Las Vegas had the highest, 824 heart patients per cardiologist.

Read the full article: How Many Cardiologists Are Needed per Thousand Patients? Insights from a Report on Provider Density Trends //


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