As America strives for positive changes to the healthcare system, it may find the greatest advancements for value-based care in Medicare Advantage plans. Over 90 percent of healthcare payers in a small Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network survey said they expected alternative payment models to increase. However, most were unwilling to divorce from fee-for-service entirely. Instead, they expected to move into value-based reimbursement models that were still rooted in fee-for-service structures. Furthermore, over half of the payments made in 2017 in the commercial sector were value-based reimbursements, according to the Catalyst for Payment Reform Scorecard. But 90 percent of these payments were grounded in fee-for-service structures and only around six percent involved providers taking on downside risk. Payers have made many strides forward in recent years toward value-based care, but what will it take for the industry to fully commit?
Read the full article: How Medicare Advantage is Leading Payers to Adopt Value-Based Care //