Lonza to Buy Large Biologics Site from Roche in US for $1.2B

Swiss contract drug manufacturer Lonza said it would buy one of the world’s largest manufacturing sites for biologic drugs in California from drugmaker Roche for $1.2 billion. Lonza plans to spend another 500 million Swiss francs ($562.3 million) to upgrade the facility in Vacaville, which makes monoclonal antibodies from genetically modified living cells, to produce a new generation of drugs, the company said in a statement. Roche unveiled plans to sell the site in May last year, saying it no longer needs the very large antibody volumes the plant provides, as it plans to focus on drugs targeting smaller patient populations and a range of biotechnology methods beyond monoclonal antibodies.

Read the full article: Lonza to Buy Large Biologics Site from Roche in US for $1.2B //

Source: https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/lonza-acquire-biologics-site-roche-us-12-bln-2024-03-20/

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