The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) has identified six trends that are likely to have a major impact on medical practices over the next decade. MGMA, which is based in Englewood, Colorado, has about 55,000 members nationwide. The new trends report was produced by the organization’s government affairs staff. Cost containment is a common theme in most of the trends, Anders Gilberg, MGA, senior vice president of government affairs at MGMA, told HealthLeaders. “The Medicare and Social Security trust funds are being quickly depleted. Short of full entitlement reform, which is fraught with political consequences, policymakers will look toward leveraging new technology and data and focusing on prevention as necessary first steps at bending the cost curve in healthcare. Medical groups are well positioned to take advantage of this trend,” he said.
Read the full article: MGMA Highlights 6 Medical Practice Trends for the New Decade //