Tiger Aesthetics Medical, LLC, a division of Tiger BioSciences, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Revelle Aesthetics, Inc, makers of the groundbreaking Avéli® cellulite reduction device which is FDA cleared as a one-time treatment with long-term results. This acquisition broadens the commercial impact of the Tiger Aesthetics portfolio into the fast-growing field of regenerative body aesthetics. The Avéli device is the only single-use disposable device that enables visualization and targeted release of the specific septa causing the cellulite dimples.
Read the full article: Tiger Aesthetics™ Acquires Revelle Aesthetics® and Avéli® Cellulite Reduction Device //
Source: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/758951448/tiger-aesthetics-acquires-revelle-aesthetics-and-av-li-cellulite-reduction-device