What Dealmakers Need to Know about Digital Health’s Shifting Regulatory Landscape

A recent study found that 40 percent of the digital health funding in the first quarter of 2024 went to AI-enabled companies, up from 29 percent in 2022. Digital health companies remain attractive investments, in part due to their ability to avoid the steep labor costs and complex supply chains that plague other parts of the healthcare industry. While the industry remains an appealing space for investments, it is also buffeted by regulatory uncertainty and increased enforcement. Understanding this regulatory landscape is crucial for predicting M&A market trends and making informed decisions about the value of a given company (and its data).

Read the full article: What Dealmakers Need to Know about Digital Health’s Shifting Regulatory Landscape //

Source: https://www.themiddlemarket.com/opinion/what-dealmakers-need-to-know-about-digital-healths-shifting-regulatory-landscape

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