CDC Study Shows Stroke Increase among Younger Adults

Most people likely think of a stroke as an old-age affliction, and most of these potentially deadly incidents occur among people 65 and up. But younger adults aren’t immune. In fact, a new study shows the prevalence of stroke among Americans under 65 years old has increased in recent years, and researchers point to factors like obesity and opioid use as potential reasons why. The new analysis, released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is based on self-reported survey data and shows that the prevalence of stroke – the fifth-leading cause of death in the U.S. – rose by nearly 8% overall from 2011-2013 compared with 2020-2022. That follows a reported decrease in prevalence of 3.7% from 2006 to 2010.

Read the full article: CDC Study Shows Stroke Increase among Younger Adults //


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