Deals Are Back: Surge in Life Sciences M&A Fueled by Sector’s Capital Reserves and Quest for New Revenue Growth

The global life sciences industry has once again embraced big deal making, with mergers and acquisitions (M&A) investment totaling US$191b to 10 December 2023, compared with US$142b in 2022. Though deal volume fell, with the total M&A spend representing only 118 completed deals, compared with 126 in 2022, the average deal size increased significantly in 2023. According to the 12th edition of the annual EY M&A Firepower report, which tracks global M&A investment in life sciences, the industry’s return to M&A is being driven by topline pressures, key products losing their patent protection in the next five years (“patent cliff”) and the need to do the right deals now to deliver new revenue growth and value into the future.

Read the full article: Deals Are Back: Surge in Life Sciences M&A Fueled by Sector’s Capital Reserves and Quest for New Revenue Growth //


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