Hillhouse Bids Highest to Buy Healthcare BPO GeBBS from Chrys Cap for $870M

The sale of Los Angeles-based healthcare BPO firm GeBBS Healthcare Solutions has entered into the last lap with Hillhouse Investment emerging as the highest bidder to acquire the company. Hillhouse, according to people in the know, has offered about $870 million for a 100% stake against an offer of $855-860 million by the next contender, EQT Partners.

Read the full article: Hillhouse Bids Highest to Buy Healthcare BPO GeBBS from Chrys Cap for $870M //

Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/hillhouse-bids-highest-to-buy-healthcare-bpo-gebbs-from-chrys-cap-for-870-mn/articleshow/112861322.cms

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