HonorHealth to Assume Operations of Multiple Steward Health Care Facilities in Arizona

HonorHealth, a leading healthcare system serving more than five million people in the greater Phoenix and Scottsdale areas, has agreed to assume operational control of several Arizona-based Steward Health Care facilities. HonorHealth will assume daily operations of the following Steward Health Care facilities: Mountain Vista Medical Center in Mesa; St. Luke’s Hospital in Tempe; Steward Mesa Hospital – Emergency Room; Florence Hospital in Florence; and Multiple outpatient physician practices. Once an interim transition period is complete, HonorHealth plans to assume full operational ownership.

Read the full article: HonorHealth to Assume Operations of Multiple Steward Health Care Facilities in Arizona //

Source: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/742029362/honorhealth-to-assume-operations-of-multiple-steward-health-care-facilities-in-arizona

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