Hospices expect to see substantial growth in the assisted living setting during 2020, followed by the skilled nursing setting. Hospice News in collaboration with Dallas-based tech company Homecare Homebase surveyed more than 300 industry professionals, including owners, executive leaders, managers and staff about the movement they expect to see in the hospice space during 2020. About 36% responded that the assisted living setting would be their most significant avenue for expansion, followed by nursing or skilled nursing facilities at 33%. Hospitals and memory care facilities yielded the lowest percentages at 9% and 5%, respectively. The assisted living setting is attractive to hospices because patients in those facilities tend to have longer lengths of stay than patients in homes,163 days compared to 111 days, or skilled nursing or non-skilled facilities at 103 days, Catherine Dehlin, director of hospice and palliative services for the consulting firm Fazzi Associates, told Hospice News.
Read the full article: Hospice Primed for Growth in the Assisted Living Setting //
Source: https://hospicenews.com/2020/02/07/hospice-primed-for-growth-in-the-assisted-living-setting