Integrative Life Center and Begin Again Institute Form Integrated Partnership

Integrative Life Center (ILC), a nationally recognized treatment center for mental health and substance use disorders, announced Tuesday the acquisition of Begin Again Institute of Boulder, Colorado, a treatment center specializing in treating sex and pornography addiction in adult males. Founded in 2008, Begin Again Institute helps men heal both the cause and symptoms of their sexually addicted behaviors and rebuild relationships with damaged wives, partners and other relationships. The Institute’s founder, Dr. Michael Barta, works with nationally recognized trauma specialists to understand and develop treatment for sexual addiction as the result of attachment disorders. Part of the national recovery community for over a decade, ILC integrates evidence-based methods with non-traditional approaches in a holistic program for clients to achieve lasting recovery of body, mind and spirit. The community reintegration model provides personalized treatment plans, so clients can progress at their own pace in a real-world environment.

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