Midwest Vision Partners Announces Partnership with Michigan Eye Institute

Midwest Vision Partners (“MVP”) is pleased to announce its partnership with Michigan Eye Institute (“MEI”). This represents MVP’s first partnership in Michigan. MVP is a people-focused eye care management services organization backed by Alpine Investors committed to partnering with leading ophthalmologists and optometrists to build a preeminent platform in the Midwest region. MVP’s partnership with MEI expands its network to 25 locations across Michigan and Ohio with 45 physicians providing medical and surgical eye care services. Michigan Eye Institute is led by Dr. Gary Keoleian, Dr. Jeffrey Diskin & Dr. David Diskin and has a network of 12 providers. MEI employs approximately 110 support staff across 6 clinical locations.

Read the full article: Midwest Vision Partners Announces Partnership with Michigan Eye Institute //

Source: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200107005213/en/Midwest-Vision-Partners-Announces-Partnership-Michigan-Eye

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