VMG Health’s Lukas Recio joined Scott Becker on the Becker Private Equity & Business podcast to discuss the rise in private equity acquisitions in physician practices. Lukas, who is a leader in VMG Health’s Financial Due Diligence division, broke down the key factors driving the surge in private equity investments and its impact on healthcare professionals. Private equity companies’ interest in the healthcare sector has flourished over the past 15 years, and private equity purchases of physician practices have increased by over 600% from 2012 to 2022. That statistic, Lukas says, reflects the “growth of healthcare spend as a percentage of GDP… [In the last five years], we’ve really seen the dollars, allocated specifically to investment in the healthcare space, really take off alongside those investment figures.”
Read the full article: Navigating Private Equity in Healthcare: Insights from VMG Health’s Lukas Recio //
Source: https://vmghealth.com/thought-leadership/blog/navigating-private-equity-in-healthcare-insights-from-vmg-healths-lukas-recio/