What the Outcome of the Election Could Mean for Medicaid

While Medicaid policy may not be a central issue candidates are talking about, the outcome of the election could have major implications for Medicaid, the primary program providing comprehensive coverage for over one in five low-income Americans. Medicaid is jointly financed by the federal government and states and administered by states within broad federal guidelines. Medicaid has become a major part of the health care system, with two-thirds of Americans having a connection to Medicaid. Public opinion polling shows Medicaid has broad support across political parties. This brief highlights major policy differences under the Biden-Harris Administration and the Trump Administration on key Medicaid topic areas.

Read the full article: What the Outcome of the Election Could Mean for Medicaid //

Source: https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/what-the-outcome-of-the-election-could-mean-for-medicaid/

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