What is driving consolidation in healthcare? The answer is: consolidation, Erin Fuse Brown, JD, MPH, said this week. “If all of the other competitors in the market are getting bigger, then in order to survive — if you’re a community hospital, or you’re a small physician group — you need to also join something big and powerful,” Brown, who is professor of law at Georgia State University in Atlanta, said at an event sponsored by the Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms. “The bigger you are, the more pricing power you have in the commercial market,” she continued. “That means you can command higher prices, you can get more revenue — you’re more powerful when you sit down at the negotiating table with those insurance companies … Something that is small can no longer compete.”
Read the full article: What’s Driving Healthcare Consolidation? The Answer May Surprise You //
Source: https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/healthpolicy/110255