Why Walmart, Walgreens, CVS Retail Health Clinic Experiment Is Struggling

Despite their early promise of convenience and accessibility, in-store clinics haven’t been the golden egg-laying goose many retailers originally envisioned. The business experience in the retail health clinic space has largely disappointed. That’s not a huge surprise to Timothy Hoff, professor of management healthcare systems at Northeastern University. Hoff has researched retail health clinics and how they deliver primary care and says that the margins can be thin to non-existent, and that the many other challenges have hindered their success. What was not too long ago viewed as the “2.0” version of primary health care is now being left behind in the wake of closed in-store clinics.

Read the full article: Why Walmart, Walgreens, CVS Retail Health Clinic Experiment Is Struggling //

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/28/why-walmart-walgreens-cvs-health-clinic-experiment-is-struggling.html

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